Show 102550100 entriesSearch: illustrationsBible referencesOrdinary formExtraordinary form Jesus arrest The Old Testament (© Sixty-Six Clouds) Gen 1:1 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Creation of Light Gen 1:3-4 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Creation of the creatures Gen 1:20-25 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil The Creation of the Animal Kingdom Gen 1:20 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil The creation of the animals (Bertram of Minden, 1383, Kunsthalle, Hamburg) Gen 1:20 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil The Creation of the Animals (Il Tintoretto, ca. 1550 , Galleria dell'Accademia, Venice) Gen 1:20 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil God creating the birds and the fishes Gen 1:21-23 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil In His Own Image (Chris Kolle, © Chris Kolle) Gen 1:26-27 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil An Allegory of the Old and New Testaments - detail of the Old Testament (Hans Holbein the Younger, 1530, National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) Gen 1:27 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Schöpfung (Sieger Köder, © Sieger Köder) Gen 1:31 Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Baby Luk (2007) Gen 2:7 First Sunday of Lent Del ciclo de la creación: La tentación y caída Gen 2:16-17 First Sunday of Lent Paradise (Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1530, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) Gen 2:16-17 First Sunday of Lent Eve (Solomon Joseph Solomon, 1892) Gen 2:18-23 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday of Lent Adam giving names to animals (Lyuba Yatskiv, 2015, © Lyuba Yatskiv) Gen 2:19-20 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday of Lent The creation of Eve (Bertram of Minden, 1383, Kunsthalle, Hamburg) Gen 2:21 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday of Lent Garden of Earthly Delights - Paradise (Hieronymus Bosch, 1480/90 or ca. 1500 , Museo del Prado, Madrid) Gen 2:25 First Sunday of Lent Paradise (Jan Brueghel the Elder, c. 1615 , St?del Museum, Frankfurt am Main) Gen 2:25 First Sunday of Lent The garden of Eden with the fall of man (Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder, 1615, Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis, Den Haag) Gen 3:4 First Sunday of Lent Adam and Eve (Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1526, Courtauld Institute of Art Gallery, London) Gen 3:6 First Sunday of Lent Paradise and the Fall (Jan Brueghel the Elder, c. 1615 , Mauritshuis, The Hague) Gen 3:6 First Sunday of Lent Adam and Eve (Attributed to the Master of the Dark Eyes ) Gen 3:7 First Sunday of Lent The Expulsion From Paradise (Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin) Gen 3:8-11 Where are you? gen 3:9-11 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary The Immaculate Conception (Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1768, Prado, Madrid) Gen 3:13-15 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary Mary Consoles Eve (Sister Grace OCSO, 2005, © Sisters of the Mississippi Abbey) Gen 3:15-20 Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary Purest Lily Gen 3:15 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary The Body of Abel Found by Adam and Eve (William Blake, ca. 1826, Tate Gallery, London) Gen 4:9-11 The Death of Abel (Michiel Coxcie, c. 1550 , Museo del Prado, Madrid) Gen 4:13 The Lamentation of Abel (Pieter Lastman, 1623, Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam) Gen 4:13 Ark van Noach op de zondvloed (Henk van der Molen, © Henk van der Molen) Gen 7:17-20 Easter Vigil De ark (Jan van't Hoff, © Jan van't Hoff) Gen 7:17-20 Easter Vigil The Animals Leave the Ark (Master of the Munich Golden Legend, c. 1415-1430 , British Library, London) Gen 8:17 Easter Vigil Noachs offer (Jan van't Hoff, © Jan van't Hoff) Gen 8:20-21 Easter Vigil Sindflut (Sieger Köder, © Sieger Köder) Gen 9:12-15 First Sunday of Lent The Tower of Babel (Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) Gen 11:4 Heilig Bloed van Jezus Gen 14:18-19 Corpus Christi New Priest for the Ordinariate in Essex—Deo Gratias! gen 17:3-9 The Holy Family Thursday of the fifth week of Lent The Guests of Abraham (Julia Stankova, 2008, © Julia Stankova) Gen 18:1-5 The Holy Family Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time God and the Angels visit Abraham (Arent de Gelder, c. 1680 - 1685 , Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam) Gen 18:10 The Holy Family Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lot en zijn dochters (Lucas van Leyden, ca. 1521 , Musée du Louvre, Parijs) Gen 18:32 The Holy Family Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Destruction of Sodom (David Binnig, © David Binnig) Gen 18:32 The Holy Family Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Abraham et Sarah (François-Xavier de Boissoudy, 2014, © François-Xavier de Boissoudy) Gen 21:5-7 Abraham is about to sacrifice his son Isaac when he sees a ram in the thicket (© DEA PICTURE LIBRARY / Getty Images) gen 22:2 Second Sunday of Lent Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Vigil of Pentecost Abraham offert zijn zoon Isaak (E. John Walford, 2012, © E. John Walford) Gen 22:9-11 Second Sunday of Lent Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Vigil of Pentecost The Sacrifice of Isaac (Peter Bentley, © Peter Bentley) Gen 22:9-13 Second Sunday of Lent Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Vigil of Pentecost Abraham and Isaac (Titian, 1542-44 , Santa Maria della Salute, Venice) Gen 22:10 Second Sunday of Lent Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Vigil of Pentecost The Angel Prevents the Sacrifice of Isaac (Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn, 1636, Alte Pinakothek, Munich) Gen 22:10 Second Sunday of Lent Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Vigil of Pentecost The Sacrifice of Isaac (Caravaggio, ca. 1603 , Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence) Gen 22:10 Second Sunday of Lent Easter Vigil Easter Vigil Vigil of Pentecost Showing 1 to 50 of 1,190 entriesPrevious12345…24Next